Parents & Sponsors

Parents and Sponsors use KinderSign and KinderSmart to efficiently and securely check children in and out of care at their provider’s facility. 

KinderSmart is a smartphone application parents and sponsors can download for free on their smartphone. KinderSmart is available in both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store (Be sure to download KinderSmart California). Once KinderSmart has been downloaded, you must register your phone with your provider.

With KinderSmart, parents and sponsors can:

  • Use their own device to securely check children absent, in or out of care
  • Enter backdated attendance transactions
  • Review attendance transactions in real-time
  • Receive electronic messages from childcare providers
  • Review schedule placement

KinderSign is a tablet application installed on a childcare provider’s tablet. Parents and sponsors use their phone number and PIN to securely log in to check children in and out of care. KinderSign is a great option for parents and sponsors who do not have an iPhone or Android smartphone.

With KinderSign, parents and sponsors can:

  • Check children absent, in or out of care
  •  Enter backdated attendance transactions
  • Review attendance transactions in real-time
  • Receive electronic messages from childcare providers
  • Review schedule placement

Training videos and documents are available for providers on the Training Material page.

This site will be updated regularly.  Please continue to check back for additional information.